Monday, June 13, 2005

The Intent of This Cooperative

I just wanted to take a moment to clarify the group's position on commercialism and podcasting. I don't think that this group stands against the commercialization of podcasting. And by commercialization I mean someone who wants to sell their content or otherwise make money from podcasting. If someone can create quality content and use that content to honestly earn a few dollars then that's fine.

We are, however, a group of independent podcasters. This means that we haven't signed contracts with corporations (like PodShow) in exchange for our podcasts. We also don't have large amounts of money for marketing and promotion. So independent podcasters need to join together in order to pool our resources. By taking this action we will prevent highly funded podcasts from dominating the market and furthur ensure that people will continue to see independent podcasting as a viable option.

We welcome all active podcasters from the NYC metro area to join our group. You can send an email the if you're interested in being a part of the group.


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